Transform your life completely, taking full control of your feelings, emotions and beliefs. Work 1 on 1 with Tina to release all limiting beliefs and grow into the confident, empowered, strong, amazing person that lives inside of you.
What to Expect
Let's Get You Pencilled In!
Where do we begin?
Aces Test
Aces Score Defined
Digging Deeper
Access where you are at now
Trauma & Your Personal Filing Cabinet
Chakra Assessment
Money is the Root of All Evil or is it?
Monthly Budget
Triggers and What They Are Telling You
What are your triggers?
Feeding You Transformation
When can we meet?
Why do you need tools?
Emotions and Energy
Emotions and Essential Oils
Why meditate?
Running Energy
Grounding Mediation
Removing energetic blocks meditation
Golden Sun Mediation
Health Pyramid
You Are What Your Eat
Food is Fuel
Eating Right Guide
Commit to Movement
Reducing Toxic Load
Supplements are Important
Importance of Sleep & Stress Reduction
Stress Reduction
Eating Right G
Schedule Session Here
Dreams List
Self Evalution
A Penny for Your Thoughts :)
Garbage In; Garbage Out
Identifying habits
You Are A Superstar!
Schedule Here
S.M.A.R.T Goals
Looking Over The Forrest vs. Through the Trees
Creating Your Vision
Schedule Here